Here is a rough idea of what our books are about.
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the BEYOND series



klikBeyond Murphy's Law
Everyone has had some paranormal experience ... from a dream that came true, to a genuine Close Encounter. How d'you handle the supernatural? And what's the connection with Murphy's ("whatever can go wrong, will") Law? Originally a 224pp book, racy, readable, refreshingly offbeat.

klik Beyond the Mark
A "unique number" for all citizens has been announced. An electronically numbered implant is now in use. The universal bar code is made to work in with other numbering systems, and carries concealed information. One man has found the secret of world control; he received his PhD for it and he is putting his theories to work with well-documented success. What can we accept? What must - MUST - we refuse?

klik Beyond Small Cords
Over sixty short stories, re-told parables, off-beat allegories and doggerel. Serious stuff, but tongue-in-cheek style, and plenty of humour.

klik Beyond Magic
Governments, commerce and religions use pressures and influences to control us. As the new Millennium begins, something or somebody is waiting in the wings to take over the religions of the world, and manipulate politics. Can we - literally - live beyond magic?

klik Beyond Anarchy
What's wrong with religion? Answer: the Church was supposed to be no more than a bunch of people going briefly in transit from one kingdom to another - then it got hi-jacked. What (on earth) is the kingdom of God? And how (on earth) do you get in? That's what this book is all about.

klik Beyond Today
If you didn't know that Jesus the Messiah is due to re-visit Jerusalem, Israel shortly, you're in for a few big surprises. No, this book isn't heavy theology. Mostly it's short stories, all with the aim of giving you some clues on how to get ready.

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